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Helexia announces 100 MW of solar energy in operation, therefore becoming one of the top players in distributed solar power generation in Brazil

Helexia Brazil has reached the milestone of 100 MW regarding installed solar capacity in distributed generation. Between September 2023 and April 2024, the company connected 18 solar plants in the states of São Paulo, Espirito Santo, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceara and Rondônia. 

Helexia’s distributed generation projects in Brazil serve a portfolio of customers from sectors as diverse as telecoms (Telefonica / Vivo[1], TIM), retail (pharmacy chain Raia Drogasil[2]) and energy (COMERC[3], PRIME[4]), contributing to the scenario of expanding solar energy production in Brazil.

Solar power is currently the second most widely used energy source in the country’s electricity matrix, after hydroelectricity. Solar power is making significant progress, placing Brazil in sixth position in the global ranking of installed photovoltaic solar power capacity in 2023, with 37.4 gigawatts (GW). This is according to information from the Brazilian Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR), based on a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena).

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